

There are many travel resources at your local library, college/university, and bookstores through their collections of books, periodicals, digital media, and video and audio offerings. Here are a few recommendations:

  • Taranath, A, (2019). Beyond Guilt Trips: Mindful Travel in an Unequal World. Between the Lines.
  • Pico Iyer (2023) The Half Known Life: In Search of Paradise. Riverhead Books.
  • Meyer E, (2014) The Culture Map: Decoding How People Think, Lead, And Get Things Done Across Cultures. Public Affairs.

Use the internet with an educated, mindful, and discerning eye when considering the sources you consume. Here are suggestions to add to your own listed of trusted sources.

Consider exploring course offerings and cultural centers at local colleges and universities. Many communities have local cultural groups and/or cultural festivals. You can also turn to IU Travels and our trusted travel partners.

Key definitions


Shared concepts of ethnicity, race, and identity that are often based on factors of differentiation such as nationality, religion, language, and one’s inherited social status[1].

Cultural competence

The awareness, knowledge, skills, and processes needed by one to interact effectively and appropriately in culturally diverse situations[2].

Cultural awareness

Sometimes referred to as cultural sensitivity, cultural awareness is defined by the NCCC (National Center for Cultural Competence) as being cognizant, observant, and conscious of the similarities and differences among and between cultural groups.


Engaging in present-moment awareness. Noted academic Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, defines mindfulness as “the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally.” This kind of attention encourages greater awareness, clarity, and acceptance of the here and now rather than the past or future[3].

Mindful cultural interaction(s)

Combines the aspects of mindfulness, cultural competence, and cultural awareness into a single idea when engaging with individuals or groups from another culture.

Safe, inclusive environment

A space where all present feel valued, involved, and respected for the viewpoints, ideas, perspectives, and experiences they provide[4].

Continue your mindful journey


  1. Iyer, P, (2023). The Half Known Life: In Search of Paradise. Riverhead Books.[↵]
  2. Iyer (n 1).[↵]
  3. Kyser, T. (05/2024). Equity-Oriented Strategic Planning: Belonging-Centered Approaches to Goal Setting Session One.[↵]
  4. Wormington, S (2024) What is Inclusion in the Workplace? A Guide for Leaders. Center for Creative Leadership.[↵]