Through the biannual Indiana University Alumni Magazine and monthly Alumni Insider e-newsletter, you can reach our audience on a regular basis. These publications showcase the best-of-the-best in editorial content and deliver your message to a loyal readership.
Indiana University Alumni Magazine
Published twice a year, the IU Alumni Magazine’s mission is to share the spirit of IU. Each issue—delivered to approximately 46,000 households—is designed to engage, inform, and encourage participation in the life of the university.
Your advertising options
We have an advertising option for almost every budget, ranging from quarter-page ads to two-page spreads. The following table shows the ad prices per issue—the more you advertise, the bigger the discount.
Ad Type | Size | 1 Issue | 2 Issues |
Back Cover | 8.5" x 8.625" (requires bleed) | $4,246 | $4,034 |
Inside Cover/Pages 1, 2, 3 | 8.5" x 10.875" (requires bleed) | $4,246 | $4,034 |
Full Page | 8.5" x 10.875" (requires bleed) | $3,730 | $3,543 |
Half Page | 7.5" x 4.81" | $2,438 | $2,316 |
Quarter Page | 3.65" x 4.81" | $1,722 | $1,636 |
Issue | Reserve by | Ad due | Mails |
Spring 2025 | March 18, 2025 | April 4, 2025 | May 15, 2025 |
Fall 2025 | Sept. 23, 2025 | Oct. 10, 2025 | Nov. 20, 2025 |
Spring 2026 | March 17, 2026 | April 3, 2026 | May 14, 2026 |
Fall 2026 | Sept. 22, 2026 | Oct. 9, 2026 | Nov. 19, 2026 |
All ads must be submitted in PDF “X–1a” format with all graphics, photos, and fonts embedded or linked. Photos should be high resolution at 300 dpi.
All ads should be submitted in CMYK with no spot color.
Full-page ads must include .125” bleed, and text must be at least .25” from page edge. Dimensions of the ad must be precise.

If you are looking to reach a specific part of our alumni audience, we can segment our mailing for you so your ad only goes to your target.
You have a number of advertising options:
- Bellybands wrap your message around the outside of our magazine
- Magna-stripped inserts glue onto card flaps, which are left behind when the reader pulls the insert out of the magazine
- Stitched-in cards are bound into the magazine. The cards have perforated lines for easy removal to solicit a response from the reader.
- Tip-in inserts glue directly onto our magazine page
Rates will depend on the size, weight, and quantity.
First-time advertisers must send written space reservation. Payment for first advertisement must accompany electronic file.
Advertisements must be submitted electronically (online through SendMyAd). Contact a local printer or ad agency to assist you in planning, designing, or producing your ad to our specifications. Ads not meeting the mechanical requirements will not upload for publication without modification.
Space reservations canceled later than six weeks before publication will be subject to a cancellation charge. Ad position (other than back cover, inside cover, and pages 1–3) cannot be guaranteed, although efforts will be made to place ads where the advertiser wishes.
Proofs will be shown on all new and revised ads, provided copy is received within normal deadlines. Proofs of repeat ads will not be sent unless
advertiser requests it.
Advertisers using the IU name, logo, or other insignia must be licensed by Indiana University before advertising in the Indiana University Alumni Magazine.
Advertising must maintain a separate look from editorial material in the magazine. All ads that are not full-page bleeds must be contained by a
border to avoid the appearance that they are part of the editorial package. Ads that, in the judgment of the magazine’s editorial management team, could be confused with editorial material are subject to having a label of “Advertising” placed at the top of the ad.
All advertisements and copy are subject to the approval of the editor and publisher. The magazine is a perfect-bound, four-color process, webpress
Alumni Insider e-newsletter
Alumni Insider provides exactly what the name suggests—an insider’s compilation of the IU content that matters most to alumni. With a regular click-through rate of better than 6 percent, Alumni Insider is emailed monthly to our most engaged alumni and donors.
Ad type | Size | 1 Issue |
Standard | 280 x 280 pixels | $1,100 |
- JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg)
- GIF (.gif)
- PNG (.png)
Email ads to Sharon Martin at
The monthly Alumni Insider e-newsletter typically sends over a seven-day period starting on the Monday of the last full week of the month. There are some exceptions, such as holidays. Our email platform determines the best day and time to send to each recipient.
Ad materials are due the first business day in the month of the scheduled send. Ad spaces are limited—and spots fill up quickly. Reserve your ads as far in advance as possible.
For questions about advertising options, contact Sharon Martin at