Our alumni are active and engaged in service for IU, its students, fellow alumni, and our communities. There are many opportunities for alumni engagement through the IU Latino Alumni Association. The IULAA offers opportunities to serve, share your expertise, network, and to partake in the spirit, pride, and traditions of IU. Get involved today!
Join us!
Networking and your career
- January IULAA Networking Gathering at Chancellors
- Indiana University Latino Alumni Association LinkedIn job posting section
Mentoring opportunities
- Indiana University Latino Alumni Association Mentors Network
- Student recruitment
- IU Bloomington family
- Indiana Latino Leadership Conference
IU spirit and fun
- IU Latino Film Festival
- Fall and Spring game-watching parties
- IU Distinguished Latino Alumni Awards—Fall Awards Banquet
- 2017 IULAA Quinceañera
If you have questions about getting involved with the Latino Alumni Association, please contact the us at IULAA@alumni.iu.edu or 812-855-4822.