The board is responsible for the Indiana University Latino Alumni Association, which is an affiliate group of the IUAA, a nonprofit corporation chartered in Indiana. The board is made up of the IULAA President, immediate past president, three officers, and five at-large members. At-large members serve two-year terms, with officers elected annually serving a maximum of two terms. This group meets monthly.
Learn how we’re governed
How are board members elected?
The election of officers shall be by ballot and such ballots shall identify the candidates that have been nominated by the regular members. Notice of elections, re-elections, and vacancies shall be communicated to all regular members via email.
How can I run?
You can be nominated by fellow IULAA member(s) or by self-nomination. Submit a nomination to the IULAA via email at
How can I learn more?
To read the IULAA’s by-laws, meeting minutes, the Strategy Committee’s five pillars, or other documents, contact a member of our team at
What committees can I join?
You’re always invited to get involved on a committee or the committee’s board. IULAA is in search of members to share their talents on the following committees:
The charge of the Bylaws Committee is to consider amendments to the bylaws; to review and draft rules for the conduct of the board, committees, and membership meetings. The commitment for this committee includes participation on periodic conference calls and drafting assigned rules.
The Communications Committee is responsible for the ongoing development, review, refinement, and enhancement of communication strategies and initiatives to highlight the impact of the IULAA; encourage alumni engagement; and share the results of community partnerships.
The DLAA Committee overseas the process of awarding our highest honor. The commitment for this committee requires one to participate on periodic conference calls, review the applications received, ensure the integrity of the selection process in accordance with the DLAA rules, and potentially participate and/or coordinate an awards event.
The Impeachment Committee recommends to the Board of Directors if sufficient evidence is present to impeach a board of director member. Members of this committee will be assembled if sufficient need is met to conduct a misfeasance or malfeasance investigation by the president of the IULAA or by IUAA leadership.
The committee’s mission is to seek out opportunities to develop and cultivate mutually beneficial programs, activities, and outcomes between the public, businesses, nonprofits, government, educational institutions, and the IULAA.
The dual purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to raise funds for scholarships and to establish the guidelines for the issuance of scholarships to Latino IU students, timely review of applications, and selection of the scholarship recipient(s). The commitment for this committee requires one to participate on periodic conference calls, review of applications received, and potentially participate and/or coordinate an awards event.
The Strategy Committee recommends to the board, for approval, major strategic and policy initiatives that will impact the direction and the activities of the IULAA. Once an initiative is approved in principle by the board, the committee has overall responsibility and approval authority for the initiative. The Strategy Committee is composed of members selected from within the board or outside the board, as appropriate, to enable the committee to best accomplish its charge.
If you have questions related to these committees, please contact the IULAA at or 812-855-4822.