Trustee Election Guidelines

Media Coverage & Campaigning

Indiana University is a public institution, and the Board of Trustees must abide by state open-door and open-records laws, which define "public record" very broadly. The names of trustee candidates are considered public information and will be released. All documents the university receives, including letters seeking to obtain election packets, and the packets themselves, become public information

The IUAA, any alumni chapter, constituent society, or affiliate group, may not endorse an individual candidate or contribute money in support of a campaign. They may not provide alumni postal and email addresses and other such lists to candidates or their supporters. Alumni names are available in public documents and any candidate may use them.

Alumni newsletters may not run an article about a candidate if the article does not prominently mention the names of all the other candidates, the date of the election, and contact information for the election coordinator.

School and department newsletters may not run articles about a single candidate, and schools and departments may not provide candidates with contact information for departmental alumni nor send messages on a candidate's behalf.

Candidates may not use the university seal or the block IU in printed materials or on a campaign website. Use of all copyrighted IU seals, logos, and wordmarks for campaign use is prohibited.

Finding More Information

If you have additional questions, or would like clarification of any information supplied herein, please contact the alumni trustee election coordinator at or 812-855-6610.